Allerton stands in solidarity to fight against racism, violence, and the historic and systemic oppression in the Black community. As a part of the University of Illinois, we want to raise awareness and share a message from U of I President Tim Killeen:
“A thunderous choir of voices rose across our nation again this week, condemning yet another senseless and disturbing killing of a Black man that has reopened deep wounds and fomented waves of anger, frustration and division.
The horrifying image of George Floyd dying as a police officer knelt on his neck is one that will be forever burned into our national consciousness. We hope that it will be the one that finally steers us onto a path of real change, toward the America that we can and must become.
(Read the full message here.)
Our hearts break for our friends, supporters, and all those impacted by racial inequality and injustice. We hear you, we see you, we support you. We are inspired by your voices to lead the discussions and amplify the conversation. We are listening and learning, and we encourage others to do the same. We must all stand strong to make a change.