One of the best parts of my job is talking with people about their personal Allerton story. It is such a unique place that holds fond memories and significance for so many. From first dates in the Meadow to exchanging vows in the gazebo… Finding peace after a traumatic experience, or being inspired to pursue a career protecting our natural resources. It is humbling and motivating to hear the diverse experiences had here, and to think about the importance of places like this in our society.
Another great part of my job is working with donors to help ensure future generations will continue to have these kinds of experiences. Protecting the trails, renovating a garden, or creating new programs – the large donations we receive pave the way for continued improvements and exciting endeavors. However, another source of funds that doesn’t get enough attention are those from our Friends of Allerton fund. Not one large gift, but the collective power of many – many of you!
When you drop money in a donation box, respond to our ask letter, or make a gift online, you may wonder – “Does my ‘small’ gift even make a difference?” The answer – without a doubt – is YES! When you consider hundreds of your fellow Allerton enthusiasts who are contributing towards the same cause – the impact is significant. Over the past year, Friends of Allerton have helped expand the Kirby Winter Wellness Walk, fund musicians for our Concert Series, bring new art to the Park, purchase tools for the natural areas, update Mansion furniture, renovate the exterior of an Allerton-original building, and design the Main Parking Lot Beautification project.
As improvements are made and amenities are added, our staff hears many encouraging words from the community. People are noticing updates around the estate, the increase in public events, and the renewed vision for this historic place. It is no coincidence that these positive changes have increased as gifts to the Friends of Allerton fund increase. To those of you who have already gone ALL IN for Allerton this year – thank you for being a part of this revitalization. We appreciate your help spreading the word to others who may love Allerton but don’t realize the impact of their yearly contribution – in any amount!
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