We continue our #StaffSelfie series with Park Supervisor, Pete, who has worked at Allerton for the last 8 years!
“Spring has sprung at the Park! Normally April and May are crazy busy; but unfortunately reduced staffing levels and hours spent on site has led to focusing primarily on essential tasks. On the days I’m at Allerton I’m working on general garden cleanups, performing spring turf care like seeding and fertilizer treatments, mowing, growing annuals in the Greenhouse (which will be moved out into the gardens in May), and maintenance of Allerton equipment. On the days I’m not at the Park I’m working on various continuing education projects and online training courses. I cannot wait until visitors can come enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of the gardens for themselves, but for the time being I hope the public knows the staff is doing their absolute best to keep maintaining and advancing this beautiful place!”