Brooklyn-based poet Jackie Braje has been announced as the Allerton Artist-In-Residence for this fall.
Braje will arrive on Sept. 26 and spend three weeks composing her first manuscript, in addition to writing poetry and experiencing all that Allerton has to offer.
She is the COO of the Poetry Society of New York and the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Milk Press, the publishing arm of the PSNY.
The artist plans to hold an outreach event at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10 at Allerton, where she will lead a poetry workshop.
“Jackie was chosen because of her talent and skill in poetry and the opportunity to bring a new perspective to the Allerton-in-
Residence program,” Allerton Program Coordinator Olivia Warren said.
“Additionally, Jackie’s proposed project for her time at Allerton involves completing her first manuscript as well as using her experience immersed in the estate to produce some new original poetry. Her experience in community-based, collaborative art and her proposed outreach event of a poetry workshop lives up to the Allerton mission of providing our community with opportunities to explore art and nature.”
Braje will stay in the park’s Ice House, space that was renovated with the idea of being a home for artists while they are at the park. When not hosting artists, the studio-style apartment space can also be reserved by the public.
Stay tuned for more about Jackie and the upcoming outreach event.
Learn more about the Allerton In-Residence program here.