The Farms: Writing Habits: In Three Parts
Experience Level: Writers of all skill levels
Whether you are a writer in the middle of a project or an author who is looking to start a new effort, enroll in Writing Habits: In Three Parts, a three-part online course on Fridays, Feb. 28, March 7 & 14 from 12:30 to 2 p.m.
In this course, University of Illinois Writers Workshop Assistant Director Azlan Smith will help writers answer three questions: 1) What memories, intentions, experiences and connections do you take with you into writing? 2) What feels close to you inside the habit of writing? 3) What do you try to actively forget or let go of through your writing?
$75/person for the entire series or $30/class. Register for the series here by Feb. 24 or one day prior to each class below. All sales are final.
— Feb. 28: Using Memories & Experiences in Writing
— March 7: What Feels Close to You?
— March 14: Letting Go
A Zoom link will be sent to students prior to the class.
If you will need disability-related accommodations in order to participate, please email owarren@illinois.edu.
By attending, you consent to your image being used in Allerton marketing, social media and publications. Please alert the photographer or videographer if you do not want your image taken.
About the instructor
Azlan Smith holds an MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction) and is working on a Ph.D. in Writing Studies at the University of Illinois. Their research interests include: 1) collaboration, storytelling and fiction as research; 2) art research; 3) public art facilitation; 4) the role of storytelling in knowledge creation; 5) multimodal writing; and 6) scholarly communities across departmental boundaries.
About The Farms
The Farms: An Allerton Folk School, offers classes, workshops, and gatherings focusing on art, health & wellness, history, nature & outdoor education, or science. All experiences value hands-on, experiential teaching and learning, and are facilitated by and for the members of the community.
See the complete Spring Session schedule here.