Artist-In-Residence Application Full Name*Address*City*State*County*Zip code*Phone number*Email address*WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitterOtherArt medium*How did you hear about this program?*Have you been selected for a residence program in the past? *YesNoPlease explain.*Artist Statement Include your artist statement or bio and the exhibitions, awards, etc. for which you have participated/received in the past. (Maximum 300 words)Proposed Project State, in detail, your suggested project proposal for the Allerton Artist-in-Residence Program and how your work will support Allerton’s mission. (Maximum 400 words)Public Engagement and Community List the public engagement offering you plan to bring to the residency, which will support Allerton’s mission. What communities would you want invited to participate in your engagement? (Maximum 400 words)List your specific project needs including space, research, and production of your art.*Professional References List the names and contact information for at least three references who can speak directly to your work.Reference (1)NameFirstLastAddress*City*State*Zip code*Phone number*Email address*Relationship*Reference (2)NameFirstLastAddress*City*State*Zip code*Phone number*Email address*Relationship*Reference (3)NameFirstLastAddress*City*State*Zip code*Phone number*Email address*Relationship*Portfolio Upload no more than ten (10) portfolio examples (images, pdf documents, audio, or video) that best represent your work. (Maximum upload file size: 128 MB).Title*Size*Media*Year*Title*Size*Media*Year*Title*Size*Media*Year*TitleSizeMediaYearTitleSizeMediaYearTitleSizeMediaYearTitleSizeMediaYearTitleSizeMediaYearTitleSizeMediaYearTitleSizeMediaYear<button type="button" class="save-for-later">Save for later</button>SubmitThis field should be left blank